Fundamentals of Access Control

Fundamentals of Access Control

Introduction to Access Control

Access control refers to the methodologies and processes used to restrict unauthorized access to systems, applications, and data. It is a crucial aspect of information security aimed at ensuring that only authorized entities (users, applications, or systems) can perform specific actions on a resource.

Why Access Control is Important:

  1. Security: Prevents unauthorized access that could lead to data breaches, unauthorized data manipulation, or system misuse.
  2. Privacy Compliance: Ensures adherence to privacy laws and regulations, protecting sensitive information from unauthorized disclosure.
  3. Data Integrity: Maintains the accuracy and reliability of data by allowing only legitimate modifications.
  4. Accountability: Facilitates logging and monitoring, tracking the actions of users, and aiding in audits and forensic analysis.

Basic Terminology:

Access Control List (ACL)

1. Discretionary Access Control (DAC) | Ixtiyoriy kirishni boshqarish